In this exclusive interview from BMWS, our CEO at Compliance Architects, Jack Garvey, will be expanding upon some of the most common biopharmaceutical issues and trends from executives in 2022. Jack was asked “What are some of the common issues and trends you are hearing from biopharmaceutical executives?”, during this interview
Some of the matters Jack covered include trends during the COVID-19 crisis, issues within the talent gap within the biopharmaceutical industry, trends of innovation within the cell and gene therapy space, and a lack of understanding within the regulatory space. Read Jack’s response below to learn more about the biopharmaceutical issues and trends that biopharmaceutical executives are addressing within the industry.
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What are some of the common issues and trends you are hearing from biopharmaceutical executives?
COVID Trends
There were trends that were occurring before the COVID crisis, and I think the COVID crisis really exacerbated and also crystallized the importance of biopharmaceuticals to modern public health. What we have seen, and again it was starting prior, but certainly during the COVID crisis, and now it’s evident now that we kind of get into the later stages, is that the future of therapies for the American public and in the global community is going to be biopharmaceutical based.
Cell & Gene Therapy Innovation
The amount of innovation, inventiveness, and determination relative to new and exciting therapies in cell and gene therapy, in genetic engineering, traditional biologics, is just mind blowing. Combining that with the digital revolution which is also kind of in its I don’t know what phase third or fourth phase of maturity there there’s just some really exciting alignment between those two that is that is driving both innovation and driving really some exciting opportunities for the future.
Talent Gap
One of the other things we see though is that there is a distinct gap in talent and resources that are available to support these industries. There’s a lot of science, great science, that’s going on out there, but science is not a product. Science is a concept, and it really requires a very deep knowledge of how to commercialize products, and that’s really hard to find these days.
Guidance for Regulatory Framework
I think that’s a real challenge for the biopharmaceutical industry and one of the trends that we’re seeing all across the board people need the expertise they need the guidance they need the deep understanding of the regulatory framework, the operational essentially lifecycle, how to get a product from concept through the early stages of regulatory review and consideration, and through the CMC process, and into commercial production.
That’s really where some of the biopharmaceutical issues are.
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