Our CEO Jack Garvey is very excited to be presenting today at AGXPE’s 2019 Spring Conference this afternoon.
More about the meeting:
“This meeting is focused on vendor quality and oversight with and End-to-End perspective. Merck’s team of volunteer presenters never seem to disappoint the audience as they share key learnings and insights. Like always, no meeting would be complete without integration of Data Integrity topics to drive home our message. Who better to keep you on the edge of your compliance seat, but Jack Garvey, Esq.” AGXPE
More insight in Jack’s presentation…
“This session will discuss the very relevant issue of data integrity. We will review current high-profile merger related litigation occurring between two companies where data integrity issues are the core of the dispute. We will also identify what the dispute is; share excepts of (and assertions within) some of the court documents; review how both companies got there; and discuss lessons to learn from this interesting case. We will also briefly review a comprehensive approach to prevent, fix and/or remediate data integrity deficiencies within any life sciences organization”