Compliance Architects® is proud to announce that it will be a Silver Sponsor of the upcoming FDLI Annual Conference to be held in Washington, DC on April 23 & 24, 2014. The Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI) is the country’s premiere organization dedicated to the legal, compliance and regulatory challenges faced by companies regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration.
Click on the conference logo above to visit the conference website.
The 2014 Annual Conference will be one to remember with a keynote address on day 1 by Margaret Hamburg, MD, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, and a luncheon address on day 2 by the The Honorable Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States.
Included in the Agenda for the two-day meeting are topics ranging from breakout conferences with FDA Center Directors; Regulatory and business challenges with mobile medical apps and the new UDI requirements; Food safety initiatives; Review of Park Doctrine liability; Patent litigation; Personalized medicine, and much more!
Compliance Architects® considers this a “must-attend” conference for anyone working in Food and Drug law, regulation, compliance and related areas. Attending for Compliance Architects® will be Jack Garvey, CEO and Debbie Thomas, Managing Consultant.
The following is a description of the conference from the FDLI conference website:
“More than 700 food and drug law community members – experts from the Federal Government, industry, private sector bar, consulting organizations and academia – gather for two days of keynote addresses, networking and advanced education sessions. Our participants attend year-after-year to hear directly from and interact with FDA leadership, advance their career by staying current in their field, network with colleagues and potential business partners, and engage in hot topic discussions and debate.”