Compliance Architects® is proud to announce that it will be a Gold Sponsor of the upcoming FDLI Enforcement, Litigation & Compliance Conference to be held in Washington, DC on December 9 & 10, 2015. The Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI) is the country’s premiere organization dedicated to the legal and regulatory challenges faced by companies regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration.
The following is a description of the conference from the FDLI conference website:
[su_quote]Whether you are a regulator, litigator, compliance specialist or consultant, it is critical to stay current on the changing trends in enforcement, litigation, and compliance, especially in the face of increased enforcement actions from FDA. This two-day conference will explore the trends behind increased enforcement actions, what to do in the case of an enforcement action by FDA or another government agency, lessons from recent litigation, and how to comply with new FDA rules and regulations. You will also hear directly from FDA center compliance directors, who will discuss what to expect in the coming year. Breakout sessions will address enforcement issues critical to your sector – food, drugs, biologics, medical devices, and tobacco.[/su_quote]